We use unique, custom-built tools to give our customers the edge

We will guide any business, agent or ISO, even if you never intent to use our service. We really want to make a difference. It always comes back around and we all need to help in these unprecedented times.

Passing on the fees has many benefits beyond savings for the merchant. However, surcharging can get extremely complex to implement, especially in retail or F&B. This is where the SurChoice platform does all of the heavy lifting to keep a merchant safe, while still maximizing savings.

Would you like higher margins, lower attrition while reducing liabilities? SurChoice puts the agent / ISO first. Therefore we customize our agent program to maximize your portfolio. We have programs from the one off referrals to full on white label opportunities.

SurChoice is the only known platform to have an approved mobile application that incorporates surcharge compliance features with ability to board on multiple processing networks. 

Best of all, there is no rev-share requirement as long as you are using a compatible gateway.

Online donation pages are consistently rising. What is even better is that it is now becoming more and more common for the donor to assist with the cost of the donation by adding “gateway fees” to their donation. Making it so that a non-profit who collects $100, gets to keep $100!

Certain government and educational agencies are authorized to implement convenience fees and service fees, including in some states that currently do not allow businesses to practice surcharging. 

If your organization is ready to join the other agencies who are lowering their costs by passing on the fees, please kindly reach out and we will happily guide you.

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