Survive & Thrive
Can you hear how the sound starts with “serve”? “serve-vive”. In times like this, the best course of survival is to serve those we care about. We care about our customers, just like you care your customers.
Originally, we created our to help merchants, agents and ourselves increase their profit margin while providing the most simple compliance system in the market. Today, we pivot….
We have always survived when we put those we care about first. Starting now, agents will not be asked to rev share, and merchants pay only what they can afford, or what they think is fair. We are here to help you not only survive, but thrive…

Surcharge Compliance
We use multiple systems, including verbal-cues to help keep a merchant compliant with the state and card brand surcharging rules.

BIN Pre-Authorizations
We check each card prior to prior to any authorization so that only one authorization is done and it is for the correct, compliant amount.

Streamlined Interface
We limited the user interface to only show, and to limit required steps per transaction. This streamlines each transaction for speed.

Mobile 1st Surcharging
Our initial release is for iOS (Android coming soon) devices. This allows for merchants to be up and running immediately from anywhere.

P2PE & Tokenization
Security is one of our biggest and yet, unknown features. All of our transactions do point-to-point encryption and full card tokenization.

Hosted Invoicing
(coming soon) Merchants will be able to send any payment request digitally over email or text message with full surcharge compliance.